About This Layout
Hope you like this div layers layout. ^^ It's called "My Promise to You..." and features Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII. ^_~ Thanks to Rebelling Princess for the image of Rinoa! ^__^ I also used Adobe Photoshop 5.0 2 to create this layout. And whatever background Rinoa was in, I took out, and instead put in my own background behind her. You can pretty much use this layout for any type of site: graphics, personal/blogs, cliques, etc.

Using This Layout
All 4 image files in the .zip file are needed for the layout. So don't delete any of them. ^^;;; Anyways, "p_index.html" is your main file: it includes the coding of the layout and is basically where all your contents are. So edit that file and put in your own contents and such. And if you want to update any of the CSS: fonts, colors, etc., then you can go to "promise_style.css" and do any editing of the CSS coding there. If you seem to have any problems, please contact me via email at sailorsaturn95@yahoo.com

Nope...I'm sorry. ;__; No extras this time.

Copyrights + Credits
In the navigation section("Where?"), please don't remove the 'Credits' and 'Layout By' parts please. ^^;; Credit goes to Rebelling Princess for the image of Rinoa, as well as me(at Lovely Designs) for making the layout. And in the navigation section, again, at the very bottom, don't forget to replace "Your Name/Site" with your name or site name, too. ^~ If you have any questions or concerns about the layout, please contact me, via email, at sailorsaturn95@yahoo.com

Thanks, and enjoy the layout! ^-^