About this Layout

This is a pretty simple div layers layout I'd say. ^^; It features the singer BoA, and is titled "Pure Heart." I'd say this layout would most likely be used for blogs or personal sites, but if you'd like to use it for any other type of site like graphics, cliques, fanlistings, etc., then I don't see why not. ^~ Thanks to "BoA's No. 1" for the image of BoA. ^^ I used Adobe Photoshop 5.0 2 to help build this layout, as well as MSPaint.

Using this Layout

Simple pretty much. XD 'pureh_index.html' is the main file--so go there and edit all the contents there in the main div layer and menu div layer with your own stuff. And if you need to add/change/delete any thing relating to colors, fonts--the usual CSS, then go to 'pureh_style.css' for that. All the image files are essential, too, except the extra avatar that I've made with this layout(look below). So, yes, it should be simple/easy to handle and edit. If you seem to have any problems, please contact me via email at sailorsaturn95@yahoo.com


As I mentioned above, along with this layout, I've also provided an extra graphic that you may use if you'd like. It's an avatar/icon. ^~ Anyways, please don't forget to credit me for the avatar if you plan to use it, otherwise you can just delete it if you have no intentions of using it.

Copyrights + Credits

Anyways, in the menu section, don't forget to change "Your name/site" and put your name or site instead, too. Also in the menu section, please leave the "Credits" and "Layout by" part alone, too. Both the site where I found the image of BoA and I have the right and deserve to be credited for making this layout. So please follow this simple rule and do not be rude and claim the layout as your own, either. If you have any concerns on this layout, please contact me via email at sailorsaturn95@yahoo.com. Thank you.

Well, that's pretty much it. Enjoy!! ^^